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Subject: FLASH: Variable Vs. Value of a Variable
From: David Pascual
Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 09:29:04 +0100

I've got what seems to be a fairly simple problem. The setup:
I have two variables:
fruit1, fruit2
The value of fruit1 is "apple"
the value of fruit2 is "orange"
I have a third value called "totalfruit"
It's value is 2

At times I will have more fruit variables. The totalfruit value is the only way for me to know how many "fruit" variables there are. I want to output the value of all the fruit to the trace window, so I set up a loop:

Set variable: "i" = "1"
Loop While( i <= totalfruit)
Trace("Test - the value of fruit"&i&" is:")
Set variable: "i" = "i" + 1
End Loop

The trace window, of course actually dispalys "fruit1" or "fruit2" depending on i. I am trying to get it to display the VALUE of fruit1, or fruit2. Essentially I'm trying to figure out how you display/manipulate the value of a string combined with a variable, two strings combined. etc. In another language the code would look similar to fruit(i).value

Any suggestions? Thanks very much for any help-

David Pascaul

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  RE: FLASH: Variable Vs. Value of a Varia, Verhaegen Tom

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