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Subject: Re: FLASH:action script question
From: Laura Mollett
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 03:45:39 +0100

> Sorry, I'm confused. The button isn't pressed on release -- On Release is
> what happens after the mouse is released. There are several other mouse
> events that may factor into what you want to do, particularly On Drag Out,
> which is what happens while the mouse is still pressed but the cursor
> leaves the button's hot spot. Can you describe in more detail just what you
> want to have happen and when?

I think what she means she wants is, if you roll over the button and rollout
*without* pressing and releasing, you got to frame (2), but if you press the
button, it no longer takes you to frame 2 on rollout. My first thought would
be to have on press actually move to a different button, so the on rollout
wouldn't take effect, but the way Robert said to do it sounds much better.
But my mind isn't thinking actionscript at the moment and I can't remember
if you can do: If not... because what she'd actually want is On (RollOut) If
button not released or something... well or she could just write it as an
else (duh)... something like On (RollOut), If buttonreleased do nothing,
else telltarget /dastage go to and play (2).

ugh, I have no idea if that helped or made any sense whatsoever. :)

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