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Subject: FLASH: telling a swf what html file it's in
From: Steven Shand
Date: Wed, 17 May 2000 13:46:20 +0100

I'm sure I read a while ago that you could feed a variable back to a swf
from an HTML file. My swf will be loaded into a few different html pages and
I need the swf to display a different property depending on what HTML file
it's in. Is this possible.

I thought I read about it in the context of disabling a swf if it wasn't in
a specified HTML file for security reasons, so no-one could steal your swf
and use it in another page.

Does this make sense?!? I've tried to hunt some info down from various
sources but no luck. I'd appreciate some help or pointers.




Steven Shand
Sferics Ltd
Technical Solutions

0131 272 2707 speak
0131 272 2800 fax

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  Re: FLASH: telling a swf what html file , Helen Triolo
  Re: FLASH: telling a swf what html file , Marc Pidoux

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