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Subject: Re: FLASH: Pausing
From: Laura Mollett
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 14:45:09 +0100

Hey Marcus,

> I used Laura's original suggestion.
> I added 3600 frames !!
> (kidding)

What did you really do? I started actually trying to test one with get timer
and set it up like...
On the main movie, in the frame where I want the pause:
Set Variable "Now" = GetTimer
Made a two frame control mc placed on this frame with:
Set Variable "Timer1" = /:Now
Set Variable "Timer2" = GetTimer
If Timer2 - Timer1 < 5000
Begin Tell Target /
End Tell Target
End If
On both frames

but the movie I'm testing it on has some stuff heavy processor stuff it has
to draw before it goes on, so I'm still monkeying with what exactly I'd want
those numbers set at and if it works right.

So what was the easiest? :)

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