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Subject: Re: FLASH: it's madness I tell you, pure madness!
From: Dixon
Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 18:45:41 +0100

>Picture this:
>A timeline with about 20 movie clips on it, each with a stop action in
>the first frame. Each movie clip does this: a photo behind a mask is
>exposed: 5 frames of mask growing to show whole photo, Stop action in
>the middle where the photo is full, then 5 more frames for the shrinkage
>of the mask. Okay, we're fine to this point.

Sarah, hello.

This is the problem, the MC called 'Facade Restoration After' is not
specified as an MC on the main time line, it is a Graphic and it's
properties are set to loop(just double click it and set it to a movie clip
to remedy the problem).

That's the answer, if you need any more help, give me a shout.


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  Re: FLASH: it's madness I tell you, pure, Sarah Lamont

  FLASH: it's madness I tell you, pure mad, Sarah Lamont

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