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Subject: Re: Element = Instance
From: John Croteau
Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 16:45:58 +0100

Hi Andrew,

> Does anyone know if is is possible to load a movie by specifying its
> full URL, this movie might be sitting on another server for example.
> What I mean is can I have a movie sitting on server A loading a movie on
> server B using the following as the URL of the movie to load as follows:
> - http://serverA/mymovie.swf and then it loads this movie into my movie.
> I have tried this but it doesn't seem to work.

We do it all the time for testing, development and to allow remote
hosting like at Flash Central for the Flash Holiday Ring so the
developer can update his .swf file without bothering me. We have .swfs
on Servers in Europe and Africa that play from our HTML and Flash pages
servered in the US. One problem is the remote .swf has to use full paths
to refer back to the HTML page or other .swf files in the US.
Remember, MIME has to be set on both servers.
Most of the time noone can see any difference between a local and a
remotely served .swf unless there is a poor Web connection between the
host and the remote.

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John Croteau croteauaterols [dot] com (mailto:croteauaterols [dot] com)
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  RE: Element = Instance, Les Mizzell

  Element = Instance, Andrew Vester

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