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Subject: Re: FLASH: Technomelancholic Sigh.
From: James Goudy
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 20:09:44 +0100

This is a jumble of thoughts that I hope makes some sense... :)

What I hear in all these messages is, the story, the words, the content, are what create meaning. A masterpiece of humanity could be scratched into an old piece of tree bark, right? Ansel Adams didn't exactly have a Nikon F4. Donkey Kong used something like 18k. Melville never heard of ctrl-z. It's the easy road to worry about the technical stuff. A huge stumbling block toward success is in figuring out what you want to say. Flash demands a two-sided brain--technical savvy and a gift for narrative. And I guess that's the key to taking Flash past simply emulating television or other mainstream media. *Interactivity.*

Animation can further the story, and keep a viewer's interest, but compelling interactivity is the key to emotionally touching someone. That means interactivity through audience identification and participation. Interesting buttons to click (choices to be made, ideas to be considered), with topical and poignant payoffs. The click-response nature of Flash, coupled with animation, is what sets it apart from everything else, and what makes it an entirely new realm of storytelling potential.

>>> sohrabat2mtc [dot] com 07/28/00 11:31AM >>>
There are hundreds of things that "emotionally move" us. the key is
originality. And in the case of the web functionality.

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