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Subject: Re: FLASH: keep button in over state onClick
From: Hal Medrano
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 17:40:06 +0100

Hi Jonathan,

One idea is to encase your navigation in a movie clip. Your MC has, let's
say, 6 frames, and on each frame a different button is highlighted. When
you click on any button, it sends the nav timeline to the frame in which
that button is highlighted, as well as executing any other actions you wish
for that button to execute.

Email me offlist if you're not sure what I mean, and I'll try to explain it



>>Hi list, is there a way to have a button stay in its over state (or down
>>state) on click of the button? I want there to be some kind of indicator
>>so the user knows that he/she clicked on the button. Because this is a
>>hierarchical nav system, I need a way to load indicators for every
>>button click. Thanks.

Hal Medrano
New Media Group
U S WEST Creative Services

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  Re: FLASH: keep button in over state onC, Ben Park

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