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Subject: Re: FLASH: tracing problem
From: flashing75
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 15:29:38 +0100


I spent so much time trying so many things, .. ..checking Adobe website,
flash help, installing Illustrator 8 , import to bitmap , try to trace it
in flash,..... Sure, I'm missing something....
But I end up with this:
1- Illustrator 8, doesn't suports Arabic fonts, even Illustrator9, I
checked the Adobe website .....
2- I tried the Trace Bitmap in Flash, and changed the settings many times
to get a result looks most like the original,..... but Nop, the edges are
jagged.... so it will be so clear when I resize it in the movie.

Now, I have to experiment how to get the best tracing in either Freehand, or
Illustrator .
If there is an expert in Freehand or Illustrator over there , That can give
me some hints.... I would really Appreciate it ......

Thanks alot,

----- Original Message -----
From: Helen Triolo <designerati-technica [dot] com>
To: <flasheratchinwag [dot] com>
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2000 12:40 AM
Subject: Re: FLASH: tracing problem

flashing 75 wrote:
> Well, I'm using Adobe Photoshop ME (Middle East), it supports Arabic
> but Flash doesn't, hopefully Flash 5 will solve this out...
> The website I am working on is in two languages, English and Arabic,
> I did an Intro movie in English, but the Client asked for same Intro in
> Arabic section as well, that is why I need to type the text in Adobe.
> So, Can you tell me what is the best way to trace the text and import it
> into Flash???

Much easier if you have Illustrator--you can create the text there, and
use the Flashwriter plugin (free at macromedia site) to export to a
flash file that you can import into flash, break apart and automatically
already have editable flash objects. (You might have to Create Outlines
on the text before export from Illustrator, I'm not sure).

If you don't have Illustrator, I think you'll have to import the text as
a graphic into Flash and then do Trace Bitmap to get a vectorized
version of the text. Or just leave as a graphic, but then it won't
resize well. Perhaps you can get paths from Photoshop (create with the
make work path tool in the Path pallette) into Flash--though I couldn't
figure out how--which would allow you to create flash vector objects
from your photoshop graphics.

That's my best shot at it,

PS Is it true that the only unicode characters you can currently do with
Flash 4 are Japanese ones?

helen triolo � http://i-technica.com
designerati-technica [dot] com � 301-424-6037

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  Re: FLASH: tracing problem, arabic fonts, Helen Triolo
  Re: FLASH: tracing problem, Helen Triolo

  Re: FLASH: tracing problem, flashing 75
  Re: FLASH: tracing problem, Helen Triolo

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