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Subject: RE: FLASH: maths and object movement. Equations needed.
From: Julie Fell (Entex)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 21:00:36 +0100

Hey thanks Branden! I got it to work! You are awesome!!!

Now I've got another question....is it possible to add onmouse events to the
moving widget? What I want to do is let the user move the nav widget over
the menu item they want, then when they click it will call and display the
appropriate information depending on which menu item the where over when
they clicked. This is hard to explain in words, but you can see what I've
got so far at http://www.thelinkzone.com/flash/widget.htm . Just click where
it says "Edit This Page" this will produce the menu selector widget which
can be slid up and down the left nav pane. Ideally I'd like the user to be
able to click where the menu name is and turn it into a text field so they
can rename the menu item, but that is probably impossible so I would be
ecstatic just to have it call another page/frame/scene etc. when clicked.
The .fla, .swf and .htm files are located here if anyone wants to poke
around. http://www.thelinkzone.com/flash/

p.s. I'm used to using DHTML and CSS to make fancy widgets and am new to
Flash and action scripting so no need to tell me how horribly hacky my code
and .fla files are. I'm already painfully aware of that. =) TIA!!!

Julie Fell [Entex] a-juliefatmicrosoft [dot] com
Web Developer - Microsoft Web Communities
http://communities.msn.com/FlashInThePan - A web community devoted to Flash

-----Original Message-----
From: Q. Paradigm [vectorparadigmathotmail [dot] com (mailto:vectorparadigmathotmail [dot] com)]

Ah.. common misconception... code that is attached to buttons isn�t actually

inside of the button (NEVER put code there!)

If you go inside of puckMC and then right click on the puck and select
properties then select the actions tab you will see the actions associated
with that INSTANCE of puckButton.

-= Branden J. Hall

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