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Subject: FLASH: FS command and Javascript
From: Frank
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 18:01:02 +0100

Ok all you brilliant people...

I'm getting a bloody skull banging my head on this one,
I have a very simple flash movie, a couple frames that loop. In the movie I
have placed an invisible button that OnRollover executes an FS command to
send a variable to the parent HTML page to change a .gif image with

Here is the Flash script:

On (Roll Over)
FS Command ("MM_swapImage",
End On
On (Roll Out)
FS Command ("MM_swapImgRestore()", "")
End On

Here is the page script:

function DoFSCommand(command, args)
if ( command == "MM_swapImage")

What I'm I doing wrong? Please, please, please, please HELP!!!!

I have looked through all the books and archives and tutorials, You are my
only hope, Obe Wan......

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  RE: FLASH: Flash 4 magic (counterpoint), Q. Paradigm
  Re: FLASH: Flash 4 magic (counterpoint), pwehneratfuse [dot] net

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