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Subject: FLASH: How can I offer email comments on my website?
From: Tony Stubbs
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 23:01:36 +0100

i am an intermediate flasher, new to advanced actionscripting, and i am
still struggling with the whole variables thing.

i am designing a website for my company, and everything is looking
good...rollovers that target .mcs, loading swf files, etc., but when i set
out to build a "comments" window so my users could send email to our server,
i couldn't find a suitable tutorial that addressed my need. finally, i had
to employ the aid of one of our staff programmers (who doesn't know flash)
and he made it work, using a Get URL (post).

I want to be able to do the whole thing myself...can someone point me to a
good mid-level tutorial on this sort of thing?

tony stubbs
tstubbsatgpcreative [dot] com

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