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Subject: Re: FLASH: Passing variables TO Flash FROM Javascript
From: John Dowdell
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 23:26:46 +0100

I'm not sure of which step is failing, but if you're trying to use an event
in Flash to get a value returned from JavaScript, then the LiveConnect
mechanism in some Netscape versions does not support such rapid
pingpong-ing of messages.

(Hmm, but there's mention made later of a "javascript:" protocol URL, so
perhaps LiveConnect is not in use there.)

I notice that the JavaScript function seems like it would return a DOM
reference, rather than a time reference... the "return" is in the opening
conditional test, rather than in the manipulations to the "date" object.
I'm not sure whether this may be a key component of the core problem,

Sorry, I don't have a lock. Can you replace any of the current parts of the
problem with simpler parts, to find where in the system the problem is...?


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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