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Subject: Re: FLASH: Mouse X,Y Detection
From: Wil Roboly
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 22:01:37 +0100

I read thru the macromedia description, and I actually didn't not like the
example. I think it can be somewhat misleading.

Here is my solution to the same problem:

1 Open a new file and save it.

2 F8 Create a new symbol, make it a movieclip.

3 Drag the symbol from the library onto your timeline.

4 A small circle will appear on the work space. This represents a MC with
an empty first frame. It also means that once you compile the movie the
movieclip will not be visible at first in your work space.

5. Edit the symbol. Add an actionscript to the first frame:

Start Drag ("", lockcenter)

6. Close the MC. Edit the instance and give it a name: MousePos

you now have a MC that is locked to your mouse position and you can easily
track this object.

In any script you may have, simply use the GetProperty("/MousePos",_y) &
GetProperty("/MousePos",_x) functions to know where your mouse cursor is.
Bing Bang Boom. No extra shapes or objects.


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  FLASH: Lotsa text, Michael Dunn
  RE: FLASH: Mouse X,Y Detection, Patrick Fitzgerald

  Re: FLASH: Mouse X,Y Detection, Matt Wobensmith

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