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Subject: Re: FLASH: How do you make a button rotate a MC?
From: Nathan Dicken
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 22:47:08 +0100

Hi Mick,

If you want to do this with one quarter turn per button press then you can
use this...

On (Release)
Set Property ("/your mc", Rotation) = getProperty("/your
mc",_rotation) + 90
End On

If you'd like to do this repeatedly while the mouse is pressed, then on
mouse press send the playhead to a two frame loop which does the above
action on one frame and uses the Go To Previous Frame on the next. On
releasing the mouse from the button, just send the playead back to a
holding frame. If you're doing the rotation on one frame (first example)
you'll need to do a playhead "jump" of some sort as the screen won't redraw
the mc at the new rotation until the playhead moves. Probably your best
bet is to use the button to go to a frame loop that rotates the mc.

Hope that helps...

Nathan Dicken
Fusionary Media

>I've been trying to figure this out all afternoon.
>I have a button , and a movie clip.
>I would like to be able to rotate the MC in quarter turns by pressing
>the button.
>I know one of you action script pros out there could save me a lot of
>time and pain, I'd be most grateful!!

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  FLASH: How do you make a button rotate a, Mick Southerland

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