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Subject: FLASH: HELP! Need Actionscript Programmer
From: Mark Abouzeid
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 09:42:51 +0100

We are developing a prototype for a client that is flashed based, has
numerous levels of actionscript programming required and is now running
close to deadline. Basically, we need some help from experienced Flashers,
as soon as possible.

Here's the deal. We have three weeks to deliver the product, have the
graphics done but need more hands for the scripting and interaction. So,
three weeks work and I can afford to pay $75 per hour. (I don't know if this
is too little but it's all I have in the budget)

If you can help send me some details and/or examples of your work directly
to me.

best regards,

Mark Abouzeid, President
Collective Wisdom Inc.
abouzeidatcollective-wisdom [dot] com

"collective...making the complex clear"

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  FLASH: Underlining Text, Mike Weiland

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