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Subject: FLASH: about: Flash 4 Magic
From: Wayne Townsend
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 23:04:02 +0100

Hi Guys,

Went to a book store the other night. (Crown)

In 3 out of the 4 Flash 4 Magic books, the CD was stolen/ ie. ripped off.

I got the last one with a CD intact.

I'm not here to pass judgement, and I live in a very nice town (Palm
Springs). We don't have crime here, or do we?

I imagine that if this is happening here, then this book must be
doing very well everywhere.

Yeah, I see why. I always loved Scott's stuff.

Nice thing is that they give script, which I imagine is great for newbies.

Just check you book and make sure the CD is in there.

wayne would say, support guys like Scott. That's my review.



BTW, how do you like bingotelevision.com? You can write me directly.
Andy Foulds came up with the drag-a-ball concept look. Nice job,
Wayne Townsend
Founder, CEO, AccessOn
waynetataccesson [dot] net
Alt: waynetatabsolute [dot] net
studio: 760.329.2369 (US)
cell: 760.902.5299 (US)

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  FLASH: How does Flash 4 Magic compares t, John L. Groff

  FLASH: SWIFFPEG, illogic

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