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From: Joe Sparks
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 04:29:35 +0100

FWIW, Personal experience with the new Mac IE 5:

I downloaded the brand new IE 5 for Macintosh.. I am truly impressed. Flash
has never played faster and smoother in a Mac browser before this. So far,
it seems very solid with Shockwave & Flash, super fast at pulling pages from
the cache. I haven't found a fatal flaw yet (unlike with every previous IE
for Mac). It has, however, froze up a couple of times over the past few


I am a total Mac Man, and do most of my work on Mac. I have opposed
Microsoft over the years, not for religious or political reasons, but for
SOFTWARE reasons (always hated WORD and most icky MS wares). Finally, alot
of the software reasons are evaporating for me, especially with my new Mac
favorites from MS: Outlook Express 5, IE 5, and my new MS IntelliMouse
Explorer optical USB mouse (love it).

Best wishes,

Joe Sparks

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