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Subject: Re: FLASH: OT: Anyone remember Dpaint for Amiga?
From: John Dowdell
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 20:36:10 +0100

At 8:29 PM 4/6/0, Jake McFee wrote:
> Anybody know what ever happened to the company that made it?

DPaint itself is dust now. But I believe you can trace its lineage down
into Discreet's 3D Studio Max.

Gary Yost and the group were the original 2D graphics programmers. After
the painting package got transferred they started writing a 3D tool for
DOS. After they adopted the parameter-based timeline introduced by
MacroMind 3D and moved the whole thing to WinNT it really took off.
Autodesk spun off the group as Kinetix, and for a little while they had "a
Director-killer" called Opus, before Autodesk refocused, purchased Discreet
Logic and merged Kinetix into it.

(History's by memory here... I know there where various Amiga tools with
similar names, but I think we're still talking about the Yost Group here.)

I can see some similarities -- perhaps the freedom of being able to "paint"
with vectors, and the efficiency of "just grab a curve to edit it" and all
-- I'm interested in hearing of particulars that strike you between the two


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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