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Subject: FLASH: variable question (like that's new) urgent
From: mhoganatuclick [dot] com
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 19:40:54 +0100

ok, i'm trying to get flash to check two variables to see if the strings
w/in them matches, and if it does to set a variable to false (as a string)
it goes like this
If (Eval("currentanswer" eq" _level0:correctanswer"))
Trace ("checking for correct answer")
Set Variable: Eval (Substring ( b, 0, 3) & "current") = "false"
Set Variable: "answerquestion" = Eval (Substring ( "b", 0, 3 ) &
Set Variable: "answerquestion" = "true"
End If
any suggestions?

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  Re: FLASH: variable question (like that', DSG
  Re: FLASH: variable question (like that', John Graham

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