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Subject: FLASH: loadMC & setProp streaming issues
From: T1
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 17:28:30 +0100

Hello Group,

I have an Intermediate level question for y'all.. Pardon me if it has been asked before.

I've created a basic black jack card game. The cards are separate MCs that are loaded at run-time based upon the random card selection. each MC is on average 400 bytes. there are 11 levels, 1-5 player cards, 6 dealer card 1, 7 face down card, 8 - 9 - 10 dealer card 2-4.

On my machine it all works seamlessly, but when I attempt to view it from the web server it appears as if some of the set property statements are not being preformed, almost as if it's busy with the previous command of loading the MC.

I have tried loading a blank MC in the first few frames, & setting the Yposition property before loading the intended content, however I'm still experiencing problems. ( brings up another question, if you set the yposition of a loaded MC and change the MC in the level, does the yposition property need to be changed again, or will it retain it's first value?)

My specific question: how many frames do I need to put between my LoadMC and SetProperty frames. it seems as if I put the SetProp frame right behind the loadMC frame it will get skipped. But putting them too far apart makes it look choppy.

Any hints or links to resources from y'all pros?

wish to macromedia::
incorporate "if _levelX is loaded"..... in addition to "if frame is loaded"

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  Re: FLASH: loadMC & setProp streaming is, Cheri Harder

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