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Subject: FLASH: Flash playback on Mac (OS - 9.0 vs. 8.6)
From: DSG
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 14:53:12 +0100

anyone have an idea about this?
would you please do me a favor??..could you post a question to your
flash list? Here's the problem: I have a G4 running OS 9 and flash stuff
plays back VERY poorly. The frame rate slows to a crawl, if I click, it
speeds back up to normal then slows down again mere moments later. It
does this when running OS 9 with or without the extensions loaded. If I
start up off of the 8.6 CD flash movies play fine.



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  RE: FLASH: Flash playback on Mac (OS - 9, michael werth

  RE: FLASH: giving an object velocity, Glen Rhodes

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