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Subject: RE: FLASH: Drawing curves progressively : Shape tweening?
From: Calin
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 14:33:59 +0100

>>Set up a mask as a quarter of a circle, then rotate your arc
>>" line" 90 degs
>>in under the mask so more of it is revealed, giving the
>>impression that a
>>line is being drawn.
>>mask lies at 90 degs clockwise...line starts at 0 degs, ends up at 90
>>Hope that's clear.....

It is, thanks, I did something like that by hiding the curve at first with a
rectangle and rotating the rectangle in order to cover less and less of the
quarter of the circle, but I could not use this approach when drawing
"irregular" curves. In the end I took the advice Taylor suggested. I'm using
the curve I want to draw as a motion guide for an object that "draws" the
path. I duplicate the path on another layer, hide the motion guide and then
insert keyframes between the first and last frame of the animation. Then
look for the intersection point between the object that "draws" the curve
and the curve itself and on each frame I delete everything after the point
at which the moving object has arrived. It looks like it tweens, but
actually it is a series of keyframes that does the job. Lots of works but
looks ok in the end.


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