Does the future fill you with excitement or gloom? As 2007 draws to
a close, Chinwag assembles some leading figures from digital
marketing and advertising to gaze into their crystal balls and
predict where we'll be in 5 years time.
The Chinwag massive was out and about yesterday, firstly taking in a Chinwag Live 'On Tour' session at ad:tech London, followed by a swift beverage across the road with friends, colleagues, contacts and exhausted exhibitors from the show.
In a fit of configuration and setting this up, we've created a new group for Chinwaggers on LinkedIn. This comes hot on the heels of the Facebook group, which has been a handy way of keeping people in touch with the latest happenings at Chinwag Towers.
Here's a question to set your Friday synapses firing.
Is living in the post-scarcity world of ubiquitous digital content actually *bad* for us? Now maybe it's just me, but isn't this your curmudgeonly grandad speaking?
Getting anything done when you work "on the web" is pretty tricky these days. Well, apologies in advance for adding to the virtual social whirl that so many of the Chinwag massive inhabit.
In the TV business, there's a lot of discussion, some might say nooise, about user-generated content and how it can be harnessed to create "TV". I'm sure it's one of the topics that we'll tackle at the next Chinwag Live debate, Web TV Takeover.
This Chinwag Live session at ad:tech London asks: how will the growth of widgets, aggregators and web-feeds effect the online and mobile media landscape?