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Subject: UKNM: WAP, i-mode, etc. . .
From: Ian Tester
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 13:02:06 +0100

John wrote:

"glad you're back in work - although Breathe? Interesting

Aha! Actually I've been back in work for ages, but not with breathe, which
is just my webmail (and very good it is too, now that they've taken the bug
off the homepage which prevented you getting from your mailbox after you'd
signed up ;-0 ). Amusingly, I have now just stopped being at work to
concentrate on being a temporary man of leisure, and boy am I looking
forward to it. Thanks, tho'

but back to your points -

WAP - totally overhyped at the mo, and not a hell of a lot more useful
currently than SMS (i've always thought it a great shame that e-comm doesn't
use SMS more), although this is more to do with what you can actually get
contentwise. . . once everyone's had a little breather to work out what the
value-add content is, then it'll pick up. like telly finally is. . ;-0

i-mode - don't know much about it, but it sounds like G2.5, and i think
we're probably better off waiting for G3. Useful for places outside dear
Europe, where they don't have quite the networks.

found out a really really great thing the other day, which i'm going to
repeat at great length to the nearest daily mail reader/tory/eurosceptic. .
. the whole European mobile connectivity standard thang, which so many vaunt
to put us technologically (and perhaps eventually economically) ahead of the
US was sponsored by and pushed by. . . .the EU. All power to em, and let's
join the Euro the moment i get back from holiday ;-0

have a good weekend, unplug your computers and get your frisbees out.

oh and dee - you're totally right - i'm not net-a-porter's target consumer,
as employers have consistently lamented. . .



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