Social Media and The Law Training Course
Event Info
As businesses being to fully integrate social media into their communication strategies, it is becoming increasingly important to be aware of the legislation and legal issues.
The aim of this course is to provide guidance and greater understanding around the main aspects of laws that affect companies social media presence.
The one day training session is run by a Social Media specialist, together with a practicing Technology and Online Media Lawyer, who will help you to gain insights and better understand the various levels of risk involved in using social media.
The training course covers the main areas of law and legislative acts that affect social media and goes into detail on Defamation, Intellectual property, Copyright and Data Protection. The trainers will take delegates through the main areas of law that affect Social media including confidentiality clauses, and contracts, together with case studies.
The second half of the day will cover the creation of community and social media guidelines, and why these are so important. We also allocate plenty of time for questions.
This course is ideal for HR Managers, Journalists, Editors, Copywriters, Bloggers,Community and Social Media Managers. Familiarity with Social media is beneficial , but not essential.