November 2009

Social Media Salary Report: Ladies, It's Not Pretty

Twitter me CakeIf the latest figures from Forum One Networks' Online Community & Social Media Compensation Survey are to be believed, it's not good news ladies. 

The company's 2009 survey found that the gender pay gap is widening in social media at least. Male respondents to the survey made just over $86,644 (£52,249) while female respondents, in comparison, averaged just $75,624 (£45,702) a difference of almost $9,000. According to the survey women make 87% of what a man in a similar role brings home every month.

This time last year Forum One's 2008 study found that 55% of community managers were women. In 2009 this figure fell to 52%. Even with a slight dip in the number of women in social media's top jobs they still out number men in the sector; something which makes the pay difference strange.

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Chinwag's Practical Guide to Internships: An Introduction

Gordon: chinwag's first tech internThe benefits of having an intern are numerous. It’s not just cheap labour and someone to make the tea.

Many organisations are reaping the rewards that come with an internship and a skilled graduate.

It was a case of unknown territory when Chinwag took on Gregory, our first tech intern. It took time and effort to get him started, but the investment paid off and the work he did was invaluable.

So, in the sprit of this, we’ve created a series of blog posts, from an employer's perspective, that aim to cover everything you need to know about offering an internship.

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Keep the Kids (And Geeks) In Your Household Happy This Christmas

Pleo Flickr picture

I may have found THE perfect geek Christmas present with only...49 shopping days to spare. Well done me.

It's a tiny interactive dino robot, that goes by the name of Pleo.

It's the brainchild of "Mr FurbyCaleb Chung, who told the story behind the little robodino at this year's Thinking Digital (25% discount for Chinwaggers on the 2010 event) - video below...

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Understanding Trade Marks in Fifteen Simple Steps

A copyright will protect you from PIRATES by Ioan Sameli - that this is a UK/EU perspective and laws do vary across territories.

1.  A trade mark is anything that identifies the goods and services of a business or distinguishes them from those of another.

2.  A registered trade mark gives statutory protection and an effective monopoly in respect of that mark for the goods or services it is registered for AND for similar marks with the same or similar goods where there is a likelihood of confusion. Well known registered trade marks have additional protection if used by others for different goods or services to those for which they are registered if that use takes unfair advantage of or is detrimental to the repute of the well known registered mark.

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BIMA Awards 2009 Party - Shortlist Announced

Koko, Camden by cormac70The BIMA Awards 2009 have rolled around again, with the presentations taking place on 19th Nov.

The awards celebrate the innovative work of UK digital companies and this year has seen a record number of agencies applying.

The Shortlist has just been announced showcasing some of the UK's brightest digital talent and, the good news, there are still a few precious tickets left.

Categories range from display and interactive advertising, online games, mobile to social media and word of mouth marketing. Those companies lucky enough to be shortlisted are some of the best the UK digital sector has to offer and with the BBC iPlayer in the best website section, T-Mobile's "Life is for Living" in the viral seeding category and the MINI Convertible launch up for an e-mail marketing award they are some of the most memorable campaigns from the last year too.

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